
Ways to maintain the health of the pregnant woman

Ways to maintain the health of the pregnant woman

Ways to maintain the health of the pregnant woman

Pregnancy is not a pathological condition. Pregnancy is a normal condition and is an appropriate position for physical advancement, psychological maturity and mental clarity:

The feeling of motherhood in a pregnant woman begins with the beginning of pregnancy, and the state of pregnancy is similar to the state of blooming flowers that prepare to incubate the fruits, so there is no justification for imposing strict life rules on the pregnant woman in the event that her pregnancy is normal.

Pregnancy health tips

1. Exercise: Gentle, non-stressful exercise is beneficial during pregnancy. Walking is very beneficial during pregnancy.

2. Rest periods should be long and multiple. It is also preferable to stretch and raise the legs during the day to help the venous return in them and reduce the chances of varicose veins appearing after pregnancy.

3. Pregnant shower: It is not different from any natural shower, but the pregnant woman should not be exposed to cold factors that may provoke contractions similar to labor contractions (talk). As for the female reproductive system, taking care of its cleanliness must be external with gentle, gentle soaps.

4. Clothes: It should fit the new pregnant woman’s size, especially after the fourth month, as the abdomen increases in size. These clothes are supposed to be wide and not tight on the pregnant belly, and the size of the breast bra should be changed to fit its new sizes in order to maintain its shape.

5. As for shoes: high or narrow heels should be avoided, preferably flat and flat.

6. Teeth: They should not be neglected either. Pregnancy provokes swelling and sensitivity of the gums, which are only treated with good and correct oral hygiene (cleaning the teeth with a soft brush twice a day). It is preferable to consult a dentist at the beginning and end of pregnancy to treat potential tooth decay.

7. Sexual life: Sexual intercourse can be continued normally, except for special cases that require a temporary suspension and a doctor's advice. 

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