
Liver damage and diabetes to the fetus.. the risks of drinking coffee during pregnancy

 Liver damage and diabetes to the fetus.. the risks of drinking 

coffee during pregnancy

Liver damage and diabetes to the fetus.. the risks of drinking coffee during pregnancy


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Too much caffeine slows the development of the fetus's liver and increases the child's risk of developing fatty liver disease or diabetes in adulthood.

A recent Chinese study warned that drinking two or more cups of coffee a day during pregnancy may damage the fetus's liver later in life.

The British newspaper "Daily Mail" quoted the University of "Wuhan" in China

 Too much caffeine slows the development of the fetus's liver and increases the child's risk of developing fatty liver disease or diabetes in adulthood.

The study in mice concluded that 120 milligrams of caffeine per day was enough to lower levels of a vital hormone for liver growth.

The authors of the study indicated that the same effect may apply to humans when women drink caffeinated drinks during pregnancy.

In the study, scientists gave mice amounts of caffeine equivalent to 9 cups of coffee, and the caffeine caused a decrease in a hormone called insulin-like growth factor.

 (IGF-1), which encourages growth in the body and may reduce blood sugar levels.

The British Ministry of Health recommended that pregnant women not drink more than 200 milligrams of caffeine a day (about two cups of coffee),

 She explains that too much caffeine can cause low birth weight.

 And increases the risk of a mother's miscarriage.

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