
What does the baby do at the age of 3 months in the womb?

 There are many stages of fetal development in the mother’s womb, starting from fertilization of the egg until the end of the ninth month.. Learn about these stages in detail.

Mothers are eager to know the development of pregnancy, and how the child develops from the first week until the end of the last month of pregnancy, during which time she prepares psychologically to prepare for childbirth, breastfeeding, and raising her child.

first month


In the first four weeks of pregnancy, the basic structures of the fetus begin to develop into separate areas to form the head, chest, and abdomen, and the organs inside them, in addition to the small buds on the surface that will become arms and legs, and the stages of this month are: (ovulation, fertilization of the egg, transmission The egg into the uterus, the division of the fertilized egg to consist of a cell mass collectively called the thymus, which moves to the uterus for implantation, then cavities to turn into a ball of liquid called the blastula, which is divided into two parts: the first is the organs of the fetus, and the other is the trophoblast, then the placenta develops, It increases in thickness and thickens blood vessels.

second month


 The fetus begins receiving nourishment from the mother's placenta via the umbilical cord.

 The genitals begin to form as the eyelids fuse with the eyes.

 The fetus's heart beats, and it begins to pump blood regularly.

 Buds of the upper and lower limbs begin to appear.

 Some organs of the fetus begin to develop, such as the intestines, kidneys, and liver.

 The nostrils and the protrusion of the ears appear, and two black dots appear in the place of the eyes.

 Teeth begin to form with the roof of the mouth.

 The limbs of the fetus separate from its body to appear as oarsmen.

 The fetal heartbeat can be easily measured with an ultrasound in the seventh week.

 Physiological brain functions develop, internal organs continue to develop, and the liver begins to form red blood cells.

 The limbs of the fetus appear more clearly in the eighth week, and the fingers begin to appear, as do the eyelids.

 The bones of the fetus begin to form.

 At 8 weeks the fetus is about half an inch long

the third mounth


At 12 weeks the fetus is about 2 inches long.

The fetus begins to move, and both hands and feet become perceptible.

The fetal heartbeat can be audible on ultrasound.

The developing reproductive organs can be identified through ultrasound techniques.

Fingers are clearly visible from the above, and the shape of the elbow appears.

Feet and arms begin to grow.

Nails appear, and spines begin to appear.

The various internal organs such as the heart, liver, kidneys, and brain are fully developed.

The fetus's bones harden, and tooth buds appear under the gums.

The fetus breathes through the amniotic fluid.

The ears are fully developed, and the vocal cords of the fetus are formed

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