
Abdominal muscle detailing exercises for women with pictures

 Abdominal muscle detailing exercises for women with pictures


Whether you're planning to get back in shape after a break or are just starting out, developing a solid core and strengthening your abs will increase your stability and balance. You will be able to perform more advanced movements with confidence, while regaining strength



Abdominal exercises for women with pictures

Abdominal exercises target groups

The four abdominal muscles you'll need

Stick to it to get a flat stomach

And strong muscles, and that kind of

The exercise maintains the stability of the spine

Spine, pelvis and back pain reduction, we offer

Here are the abdominal exercises for women

Pictures and steps to perform it correctly


1. Side plank

The exercise targets the back muscles

and abdominal muscles together, which promotes elongation

Backbone, here are the steps:

1. Lie on your left side, prop up

Your elbow should be directly below it.

2. Keep your shoulder and forearm straight

perpendicular to the body.


2. Boat pose

The exercise focuses on the lower abdominal muscles

Basically, here are the steps:

1. Begin sitting up straight, bend over

your knees and feet.

.2. Lie back, then lift your legs up

the earth.

3. Extend your arms straight, palms facing up

hands up

4. Make sure your body is flat

V shape.

5. Hold for 30 seconds, then

Rest, and repeat the exercise.



3 Plank crawl


The muscles of the arm and legs are turned on

The side of the abdominal muscles in the exercise

Adds intensity and resistance Follow the steps


1. Stand up straight with feet together.

2. Bend your hips and try to touch the floor

with your own hands.

3. Walk your hands forward a little to reach

for push-up position.

4. Crawl again, returning to the starting position

By slowly moving your hands back with a

Raise your hips to the ceiling.

5. With your feet flat


4. Flutter kick

Make sure to maintain your stability when performing

Do the exercise for 20 seconds, then rest 20

Again, and repeat the exercise steps more than once

Once again, here are the details:

1. Lie on your back, arms extended


.2. Make sure your hands are on the palm of your hand

the floor, and your legs are stretched out too.

3. Keep the pressure on the lower back.

And raise your legs so that your feet are above

the earth.

4. Move your feet to make small movements

It involves raising one leg and lowering the other

at the same time.

5. Reverse the motion and continue alternating

Move the feet.


5 Spider-Man waved

(Spider-Man plank)

Hold still for 30 seconds

Rest for 20 seconds when performing

exercise, here are the steps:

1. Lie down into a plank position

plank, resting on your forearms and fingers


2. Keep your elbows down

Your shoulders straight, and your body forms a line


3. Bring your left knee and left foot in

forward and out to the side as much


4. Pause, hold for 2 seconds,

Then return to the starting position.

5. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Keep alternating.


6. Heel tap

Continue to perform the exercise for 30 seconds

Then rest for 20 seconds, that's it

the details:

1. Lie on your back on the floor with a bend

Your knees and feet flat on the floor.

2. Lift your neck and head off the ground.

Use your abdominal muscles to move

body aside.

3. Turn your body to the left, and press

your left hand to reach your left heel.

4. Throw your body towards the right

And press your right hand on your heel


5. Keep alternating sides, and repeat

Exercise several times.



7. Leg Lifts

Keep your lower back in contact

the ground while performing the exercise

Use an exercise ball to increase strength

resistance, here are the steps:

1. Lie on the floor with your head pointed

to the ceiling, with your feet straight in front of you.

2. Make sure your lower back is touching with

the ground, and hold steady for the duration

the exercise.

3. Lift your legs off the ground, and move

Your feet up and down alternately.

4. You can put the ball between the feet, and who

Then move them up and down alternately.


8. V-shaped sit-ups


Keep the knees bent the entire time

Movement, and to increase the intensity of the national decrease

Leg and torso to a minimum without

Touch the ground before you sit down


1. Lie on your back on the floor.

Your legs are straight in front of you.

2. Sit down, touching your heels as you stand up

By bringing your knees towards the chest.

3. Lower down with straight legs

Back on Earth.

4. Sit down again, and repeat the exercise several times

times during the day.


9. Touching the toes (Toe


Try to reach the toes of two feet

as much as possible, while keeping the strings taut

knee, here are the steps:

1. Lie on your back with legs pointed

towards the ceiling.

2. Come up and try to touch your toes


3 Go back down, and repeat the movement several times


4 Flex your toes toward the face to engage

Lower abdominal muscles in the exercise.

5. Rest and repeat the exercise several times

During the day.



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