
What is the normal rate of sleep for an infant in the first month of birth and when is it regular  

One of the biggest challenges that the mother always faces and suffers after giving birth is the irregular sleep of the infant in the first months, as he sleeps intermittently and sometimes wakes up all night, which leads to the difficulty of the mother dealing with her child, so that some mothers may suffer a collapse due to lack of sleep,

Sleep is one of the necessities of life for every human being and children in particular. The child increases his daily growth rates in his first year while he sleeps, so your child must have a quiet and pleasant sleep in order to grow naturally. Most pediatricians unanimously agreed that the child needs sleep in the first month. 16 to 18 hours, and most children do sleep at those rates, but intermittently. The child sleeps for one to two hours, then wakes up again, then sleeps for an hour, and so on throughout the day.

The child cannot differentiate between night and day until after the completion of his second month, so he may sleep throughout the day and be active and wake up throughout the night or vice versa. Some children also in the first months of birth may sleep in the evening for several days and then change their sleep time to become day

In the first three months, the child is in the stage of getting to know the environment around him, so he learns from everything that is going on around him and tries to apply it. The mother should try to create a sleep environment for her child so that he can sleep regularly.

In order to enjoy a peaceful sleep during the night periods by following some tricks


Do not breastfeed your baby with 100% saturated feeds during the day, so that he does not sleep continuously and wakes up in the evening. On the contrary, make sure to breastfeed your baby in the evening with satiated feeds, whether you use breastfeeding by increasing the feeding period or artificial feeding by increasing the size of the meal in one feeding.

Make sure that your child receives a warm bath daily in the evening, as we always find that children sleep after a warm bath as a result of their bodies relaxing.

Lower the light so that your child gets used to sleeping in quiet light. Also, turn off the devices and help him sleep. You can use a pacifier in the first months until his sleep begins to be regular.

Use the body lotion for the baby with the scent of lavender after a warm evening bath, as the smell of lavender helps calm the baby’s body and helps him sleep peacefully

Massaging the baby's body may help him relax and fall asleep easily. Massage your baby's forehead gently and tenderly, as well as the neck and legs

When does the baby sleep normally?

--- The child's sleep begins to be regular naturally after your child completes his sixth month of life, as he begins to sleep for at least six hours straight and then sleeps intermittently throughout the day, bringing the total number of hours of sleep throughout the day to about 12 to 14 hours.

As for before that, the number of hours the child sleeps is greater, but the mother does not notice it because the child’s sleep is intermittent, as he wakes up every period for breastfeeding or the need to change diapers or other things


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